My Name is "Somebody"

At times we may notice some gaps in our local congregation—a need is not being met or something is being left undone. When that happens, it’s easy to look around and say, “Somebody ought to fix that!” Indeed, somebody should do something. Churches aren’t perfect and things can slip through the cracks. I doubt the church in Jerusalem deliberately overlooked the needs of the Grecian widows (Acts 6:1-7), but that doesn’t mean the problem wasn’t real. At the same time, it is not helpful to merely point out problems if I can be part of the solution! Somebody ought to fix that—but what if my name is “Somebody”? 1) “Somebody” ought to check up on the sick and shut-in. It’s easy to overlook those who we don’t see often. Their names get mentioned in the announcements and we wonder how they are doing, but does our concern translate into action? Much good can be accomplished with a card, a phone call, or a visit. Is anyone doing that? Somebody ought to! 2) “Somebody” ought to teach the ch...